The Strategic Investment Model

Since the start of 2022, Scottish offshore wind project developers have worked alongside the Scottish Government and its agencies to deliver transformational supply chain growth in Scotland.

The Strategic Investment Model is SOWEC's response to recommendations within the 2021 Strategic Investment Assessment. All ScotWind developers have signed a Charter to demonstrate their commitment to working in collaboration. In January 2024, SIM participation was extended to INTOG projects wanting to collaborate.

To deliver Scotland’s offshore wind pipeline significant infrastructure upgrades are required. The SIM aims to build a shared view of need. By working across industry and the public sector, effort and potentially investment can be pooled and risks shared and required infrastructure projects helped to reach final investment decision and be in place in time to support Scotland's offshore wind build out.

In May 2023, a first call for proposals from ports and top tier supply chain companies was launched. 44 applications were received. 38 of these projects successfully completed Stage 1 of the process which concluded at the start of 2024. Taken together these projects have a potential capital value of £6.5bn. Each of these projects has a prospectus setting out their own ambitions and development plans. 

On 24th January 2024, the SIM announced that an initial three projects will be moving ahead into Stage 2. These initial projects represent a mix of local and inward investment into ports, port infrastructure and manufacturing. The 24th January update is available here.

The wider SIM process is ongoing, with projects being supported to engage with offshore wind projects. All 38 SIM projects have now received feedback in return for participation in the SIM process, with further engagement planned between these projects and offshore wind developers. 

On 20th February 2024, the SIM published further information on 2 of the initial projects selected for Stage 2. In addition, it published the names of a further 30 projects which have successfully completed Stage 1 of the SIM process. 6 further projects have requested that their names are not shared outside SIM discussions at this time. This notice is available here.