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Floating Offshore Wind Subgroup

Specialist subgroup of DeepWind dedicated to developing a complete supply chain for floating offshore wind. Fifty years of dealing with floating systems in oil and gas in the North Sea has given Scotland a very competitive edge in this sub-sector .


Group aims

Many of DeepWind's members have come from the oil and gas sector and have extensive experience of building, deploying and servicing floating structures in one of the harshest offshore environments in the world, the North Sea.

Married to this is the knowledge gained from 15 years of offshore wind development in the UK, and globally, including our members who have pioneered the development of floating wind. This expertise is now being captured and concentrated in our Floating Offshore Wind Subgroup.

The aim of creating this subgroup is to bring together the supply chain elements that make up the major components of floating wind. Our members cover all aspects of floating wind including substructures, mooring systems, anchoring, installation, electrical systems (connectors and dynamic cables), subsea surveys and inspections.

Complementary to this unique blend of skills and expertise is our infrastructure members, representing over 25 ports and harbours in Scotland, who are looking to develop the necessary manufacturing, assembly and maintenance facilities required for this emerging sector.

Global Leader

The DeepWind FOW Subgroup contains many of the leading floating wind developers as well as European, US and Japanese substructure design and supply companies who together are responsible for many of the current and future floating wind projects either operational or planned. Many of the companies have been attracted to DeepWind by the potential for Scotland to become a global hub of floating offshore wind development.

Our FOW Subgroup brings together all the actors necessary to develop a complete floating wind supply chain and includes a blend of developers, industry, training and research players capable of forging a strong sub-cluster within DeepWind.

Scotland currently leads the global development of floating offshore wind with the worlds two largest, grid connected floating wind projects, Equinor's Hywind Scotland wind farm and ACS Group's 50MW Kincardine Offshore Wind project, which currently holds the title of the largest. 

Not resting on its laurels, Scotland is soon to deliver a third floating project, the 100MW Pentland project being developed by Copenhagen Offshore Partners near Dounreay on the coast of Caithness in the Scottish Highlands.

Floating wind at scale

Also, in a move that made headlines across Europe and beyond, Crown Estate Scotland, the Scottish Government body responsible for offshore wind leasing has given out leases set to develop 13 commercial scale floating wind projects in the ScotWind round with over 19.2GW of floating wind capacity.

These new sites range in size from 500MW to the largest at 3,000MW and a full list of the projects and the associated developers is available in our section on the Scottish Offshore Wind Market. The sheer scale of this new round will create huge opportunities for our Subgroup members as we build a floating wind supply chain dedicated to serial production of the components required to deliver these projects and will cement Scotland's place as the global leader of the floating offshore wind sector.

It is therefore fitting that our first subgroup in DeepWind was dedicated to floating offshore wind.

A list of our FOW Subgroup member companies is laid out below. With 429 members it is one of the largest floating wind supply chain clusters in the world in its own right and is also the largest of DeepWind's specialist Subgroups.

Floating Offshore Wind Subgroup

1 2-B Energy BV 216 Juran Benchmarking 
2 2H Offshore Engineering Ltd 217 KBR
3 4C Engineering  218 KD Marine
4 4C Offshore 219 Kent
5 Aberdeen City Council 220 Kincardine Offshore Wind Ltd
6 Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group 221 Kishorn Port
7 Aberdeen Training Centre 222 Kito Crosby
8 ABL Aberdeen Limited 223 Kuiper Group UK Ltd
9 ABS Europe 224 Leask Marine
10 Absoft 225 Legasea
11 Acteon Group 226 Lerwick Port Authority
12 AECOM Limited 227 Liberty Steel Dalzell
13 Aikido Technologies 228 Liftmax Europe Ltd
14 Airspection 229 Linxon UK Ltd
15 AISUS 230 Lloyd's Register EMEA 
16 AJ Engineering & Construction Services 231 Load Monitoring Systems Ltd
17 AJT Engineering Limited  232 London Marine Consultants
18 Aker Solutions 233 LV Logistics
19 Altrad Babcock 234 MacArtney UK
20 Amber Electrical Services 235 Maersk Supply Service
21 Ampelmann Operations  236 Magnora Offshore Wind
22 AMS Global Group 237 Mainstream Renewables
23 Anubis Security 238 Manor Renewable Energy
24 Apollo  239 Maritime Developments Limited 
25 Approved Power Services 240 Maritime Developments Ltd
26 Aqua Innovations 241 Marlow Ropes
27 Aquatera 242 MarramWind Ltd
28 Aquaterra Energy 243 Marubeni Itochu Tubulars Europe Plc 
29 AquaTerra Group 244 MarynSol Ltd
30 Aratellus Offshore 245 McDermott
31 Arc AeroSystems Ltd 246 MDB Marine Ltd
32 ARC Marine 247 MELCAL Marine UK Ltd
33 Archaeological Management Solutions  248 Mingyang Smart Energy Group Limited 
34 Archer Wind 249 Miros Scotland
35 Armech Solutions 250 MISTRAS Group
36 Asco  251 Monitor Systems Scotland Ltd
37 Ashtead Technology 252 Mooreast Europe BV
38 Aspect Land and Hydrographic Surveys 253 MoorEast UK
39 Associated British Ports 254 More Wind Resources
40 Atkins Limited 255 Motive Offshore Group Limited
41 Atlas Winch and Hoist Services Ltd  256 Mott MacDonald
42 Aubin Limited 257 Myriad Wind Energy Systems 
43 Aurora Energy Services  258 Nadara
44 Aventus Energy 259 Natural Power
45 Axess North Sea Ltd 260 Nautilus Floating Solutions
46 Axis Energy Projects Group Ltd 261 NDT and Quality Services
47 Backstop Advisory 262 NES Fircroft
48 Bain Consulting Group Ltd  263 Nexans Norway AS
49 Balfour Beatty 264 Nexus Surface Treatments
50 Balmoral 265 NHV Helicopter Ltd
51 Balmore Wind Services  266 NorrScott Productions
52 BAM Nuttall 267 North Star
53 Backstop Advisory 268 Noste Energi
54 Barclay & Mathieson Limited (SPS)  269 NOV
55 Bauer Renewables Limited 270 N-Sea UK Limited
56 BayWa-r.e. 271 nVent LENTON 
57 Bilfinger Salamis UK 272 Ocean Information Services
58 Birlinn Offshore  273 Ocean Installer
59 Black & Veatch 274 Ocean Phoenix International Limited
60 Blackfish Engineering 275 Ocean Science Consulting Limited
61 BlueFloat Energy 276 Ocean Winds
62 Bluewater Energy Services 277 Oceaneering
63 Bourbon Wind  278 OceanExpert Limited
64 Bouygues Travaux Publics 279 Odfjell Oceanwind
65 bp Innovation and Engineering 280 OEG Renewables 
66 Bridon Bekaert 281 Offshore Marine Contractors
67 Briggs Marine 282 Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
68 Brimmond 283 Optimus
69 Bruce Anchor 284 ORCA Archaeology
70 Buoyant Production Technologies 285 Orcades Marine Management Consultants
71 Business Finland 286 Orient Cable
72 BVG Associates 287 Orion Engineering
73 BW Ideol 288 Orion Research
74 C&P Recruitment 289 Orkney Harbour Authority
75 Cadpeople 290 Osbit Limited
76 Caiman Software Development Ltd 291 OSI Renewables
77 Cairn Risk Consulting Ltd  292 Paratus Commercial Services Limited 
78 Calder Engineering 293 Partrac
79 Caldive 294 PB Aerial Imaging Ltd
80 Cameron Intellectual Property 295 Peel Ports (Hunterston)
81 Castletown Law 296 Petrofac Facilities Management Ltd
82 Centurion UK Rentals and Services 297 Pier Solutions
83 CessCon Ltd 298 Ponticelli UK
84 Chemco International Ltd  299 Port of Aberdeen
85 Chrysalis Energy Limited 300 Port of Cromarty Firth
86 Cierco Wind Energy 301 Portakabin (Scotland) Limited 
87 Clarksons Port Services 302 Principle Power
88 Clyde EPC Ltd  303 Prior Power Solutions
89 CNOOD-Wenchong Heavy Industries (CWHI)  304 Prism Energy
90 CO2 Recovery Ltd 305 Proeon Systems Ltd
91 Coast Offshore 306 PSG Marine & Logistics Ltd
92 COES Caledonia UK Limited 307 QHSE Aberdeen Limited
93 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar  308 Quanta EPC
94 Cooper and Turner Distribution Limited  309 Quartzelec
95 Copenhagen Offshore Partners 310 Quaybridge
96 Core Marine 311 Quoceant
97 Cortez Subsea 312 R&B Switchgear Services 
98 Cortland Company 313 Reach Subsea UK
99 COWI 314 RED Engineering 
100 Csolutions 315 Red Rock Power
101 Dalcour Maclaren 316 Reed & Mackay
102 Dangle Ltd 317 Reflex Marine
103 DeepOcean Subsea Services 318 RenQuip
104 Delta Electronics 319 Reoptimize Systems 
105 DH Renewables 320 Response Consultants
106 Digitalnauts 321 Revive Geoscience Services 
107 DOF Subsea 322 RIDG
108 Dolfines SA 323 Rix Renewables
109 Donut International Ltd 324 RJ McLeod (Contractors) Ltd
110 E-FWD 325 RMI
111 Ekwil 326 RMJ Hicks Ltd
112 Eletelle Subsea Ltd 327 ROAVR Group
113 EMM Corp 328 Robert Gordon University
114 Enerfloat Ltd 329 Robertson Group
115 Encomara Ltd 330 Roemex
116 Energy Insider 331 Rovco
117 Energy Transition Zone 332 Roving Eye Enterprises Ltd
118 EnergyVue 333 ROVOP
119 Engineering Construction Industry Training Board 334 Royal Haskoning DHV
120 Entier 335 RSK Environmental
121 Environmental Resources Management Limited 336 RUP Ltd
122 Eodex 337 RWE Renewables
123 Eolink 338 S3NVentus
124 Equinor 339 Safelift Offshore Ltd
125 ESR UK (Group) Ltd 340 Safetrade 247 Limited
126 European Marine Energy Centre 341 Saipem Ltd
127 Evami Consultancy Services  342 Saitec Offshore Technologies
128 Exceed Energy 343 Sarens UK
129 Facilitating Change 344 Savante Offshore Services Ltd
130 Fathom Group Ltd 345 SBM Offshore
131 Farsight 346 Schottel Marine Technologies
132 Fennex 347 Scottish Enterprise
133 Fern Communications 348 Scottish Power Renewables
134 Ffolkes Offshore 349 Scottish Renewables
135 Film Ocean 350 Seabrokers Ltd
136 First Marine Solutions 351 Sealand Projects
137 First People Solutions 352 Seaway 7
138 First Subsea 353 Seawind Ocean Technology
139 Fisher German Priestner (FGP Ltd)  354 Semco Maritime
140 Floating Energy Systems 355 SFF Services Limited
141 Floating Power Plant 356 Shearwater Marine Services
142 Flotation Energy 357 Sheffield Forgemasters
143 Francois Offshore Catering 358 Shell UK Limited
144 Fraserburgh Harbour 359 Shetland Island Council
145 Frontera Enterprise Ltd 360 sHYp BV Ltd
146 Frontier Robotics 361 Siemens Energy Limited
147 Frontier Technical Ltd 362 Simply Blue Energy (Scotland) Ltd
148 Fugro 363 Simply Blue Group
149 Fulkrum Technical Resources Ltd 364 Sinclair Energy Partners
150 GAC Group 365 Singapore Enterprise
151 Gael Force Group Ltd 366 Skyborn Renewables
152 Gareloch Support Services 367 Skyhook Helicopters
153 Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions 368 Skylifter Ltd
154 Gazelle Wind Power 369 Slipform Engineering Limited 
155 GB Tarpaulins 370 Solab IT Services
156 GCE 371 Sonardyne International Limited
157 GDDM 372 Sonomatic
158 Geleval 373 Spencer Ogden
159 Genesis Energies 374 Spire Global UK Limited 
160 Geodis FF UK Ltd  375 SRI Services UK Ltd
161 Georg Fischer Piping Systems  376 SSE Renewables
162 GICON® Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH 377 Stauff UK Limited
163 Global Port Services (Scotland) Ltd  378 STC Insiso
164 Global Quantum 379 Stork Technical Services
165 Global Underwater Hub 380 Storr Access
166 GMC Limited 381 Stuart Brown Consulting
167 G-NRGY Ltd 382 Subsea 7
168 Green Marine 383 Subsea Micropiles
169 Griffen-Woodhouse Limited 384 Sulmara Subsea
170 GTL Search 385 Sumitomo Corporation 
171 Gulfxstream 386 Superior Recruitment Group
172 Hagland Shipbrokers 387 Swire Renewable Energy
173 Halliburton 388 Taylor Hopkinson Ltd
174 Harbour Energy 389 Techlift UK Limited
175 Harper UK (Aberdeen) Ltd 390 TechnipFMC
176 Haventus 391 Ternan Energy Limited
177 Hawkes Health (UK) Ltd 392 Texo Group Limited
178 Head Resourcing Ltd 393 The Environmental Recruitment Agency 
179 Hebridean Sea Tours Ltd  394 Therma-Light Limited 
180 Helideck Certification Agency Ltd  395 Thistle Wind Partners
181 Heriot-Watt University 396 Toda Corporation
182 HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd 397 Tom Morrow Tarpaulins
183 Highlands & Islands Enterprise 398 Torishima Service Solutions Europe Limited
184 HLP 399 Total Batching Solutions
185 Houlder Ltd 400 TotalEnergies
186 Howco Group plc 401 Trac Energy
187 HPR ROV Ltd 402 Triton Anchor
188 Hubbell  403 TSL Contractors
189 Hugh K Gillies (Construction and Engineering Services) Ltd 404 TTI Renewables
190 Hydro Group 405 Turner Aviation
191 Hydromea Services 406 Tymor Marine
192 IKM Testing 407 Unique Group Ltd 
193 Imenco 408 Univergy International
194 Indeximate Ltd 409 University of Aberdeen
195 Industrias Ferri SA 410 University of Strathclyde
196 Instow Line Marine Services 411 UTEC 
197 Instrument Transformers Limited  412 Voe Marine
198 Intelligent Research & Translation Services 413 Vryhof
199 InterMoor Ltd 414 V-TES
200 International Medical Management 415 Vysus Group
201 Interocean Marine Services 416 W3G Marine
202 Inverness Chamber of Commerce 417 Wardell Armstrong
203 IRC Integrity 418 Waterfront (Stainless Steel) Ltd
204 Irvine Springs 419 Wave Venture
205 ITC Hydraulics & Manufacturing 420 Weldex (International) Offshore Ltd
206 J+S Subsea 421 Westerton Access
207 Jackson Offshore Supply 422 Wick Harbour Authority
208 Jamieson Management (Scotland) Ltd  423 Windcat Workboats (Scotland) Ltd
209 Jan De Nul UK 424 Windeed AB
210 JD Neuhaus UK Ltd 425 Wölfel Wind Systems
211 JDR Cable Systems 426 Wood
212 Jee Limited 427 Wood Thilsled 
213 JGC Engineering & Technical Services 428 Woollard & Henry
214 Jifmar Scotland 429 Xi Engineering Consultants
215 Jumbo Consulting Group UK    


DeepWind's Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) Subgroup assists the development of new systems, products and services by working closely with the UK's innovation champions including the Carbon Trust's Floating Wind Joint Industry Project and the ORE Catapult's Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence.

Many of DeepWind's developer members are already involved in both groups (13 members in the joint industry project and 14 in the Centre of Excellence). This offers a good opportunity to coordinate the UK's floating wind innovation landscape through the developer grouping.

International collaboration on floating wind 

At an international level, one of the first groups to form was the Friends of Floating Offshore Wind (FFOW) which had the commercialisation of floating wind technologies as one of their core objectives.

Further innovation and deployment is the key to reaching this goal and it dovetails neatly with DeepWind's own aims and goals. Eleven of the fifteen strong group of intentional companies that were members of FFOW are now in the DeepWind FOW Subgroup with the opportunity for international co-operation and co-ordination strong.

DeepWind has grown the international co-operation theme with links to other floating wind clusters such as the Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster (NOW)Bretagne Ocean Power in Brittany and Wind'Occ based in Montpelier in the Occitanie Region in France.

Our Memo of Understanding with the WAB cluster from Bremerhaven, Northern Germany also covers floating wind so, while they are not a dedicated floating wind cluster like the others above, they have members who have a vested interest in floating wind technologies and the wider FOW market and are therefore part of our international collaboration in floating wind.   


Our gallery of substructure members show steel and concrete designs that have already been deployed or are being developed. Use the arrows to move through the gallery on the left.

TLB Full Elevation
Bluewater TLP (2)
BW Ideol
Trussfloat Semi Sub System. Credit Dolfines SAS
Hywind Scotland Substructures
Hybrid Wind

Articulated Wind Column - AWC Technology

Axis Energy Projects Image: Tension Leg Platform (TLP) system. Credit Axis

Bluewater TLP system. Credit: Bluewater Energy Services

FloatGen, 1st French floating project. Credit BW Ideol

Trussfloat semi-sub system. Credit Dolfines SAS

Tension Leg Platform (TLP) design. Credit Ecosse IP

Eolink floating turbine system. Credit: Eolink

Hywind Scotland substructures. Credit: Equinor

Hybrid wind/wave design. Credit Floating Power Plant

DeepWind subgroups

Explore our other DeepWind subgroups and the benefits of membership.

Operation & Maintenance Subgroup

Operation and maintenance is one of the long term opportunity areas attached to the development of offshore wind in Scotland.

Power2X Subgroup

Our Power2X Subgroup is involved in looking at alternate products from offshore wind besides the normal electricity to the grid business model.

Cables Subgroup

Onshore and offshore exports cables, subsea array and dynamic cables, this subgroup covers all aspects of offshore wind cables

Survey and Inspection Subgroup

From early stage development surveys to all aspects of aerial, surface and subsea inspections, this subgroup covers it all.